Tag 74 – die Strecke

Bin nun ca. 10 km südlich von Hamburgsund auf frisch gemähter Wiese. Ich baue das Zelt jetzt auf. Es gab Regenschauer heute, für mich nur Nieselregen, aber hier ist die Straße nass. Sehr schöne Etappe, wenn man von dem unfreiwilligen E6-Stück absieht, schreibt Irgendlink kurz nach neunzehn Uhr.

>>> Strömstad, Camping – Nähe Hamburgsund, Wildzeltplatz: zum Kartenausschnitt der heutigen Strecke: bitte hier klicken!

>>> OpenStreetMap: zum heutigen Ausschnitt: bitte hier klicken!

3 Antworten auf „Tag 74 – die Strecke“

  1. Hi Jurgen
    I’m finding my way around your blog, but haven’t found any 10km photos yet. How is your trip going? I hope all is well with you. I reached Gothenburg yesterday (Friday) evening. I am staying with a friend until Tuesday morning when I will hit the trail again. Today, I got some good maps for the trip down to Varberg. I think it will be nice and easy and after that it is cycle friendly Denmark. I did not get hold of any cycling maps at Stomstrad because it was Swedens national day and all the shops were shut. So I made my own route and I think I was on the cycle route most of the time. I went through Sannas and Grebbestad to Lysekil and got the ferry to Fiskbacken. I got another ferry from Dragsmark to the island of Flaton and found a really lovely and cheap camp site on the island of Malo. This is a nice way to see the West Swedish islands.
    Well Jurgen, I hope we meet again in the future… good luck with your project.

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